Google Analytics: Structure Your Account With Roll Up Reporting And More


For the analytics ninjas out there, you know that data accuracy is probably one of the most challenging aspects of analytics across all solutions and platforms, and you learn to apply best practices and establish processes to improve data collection and reporting.

But for the rest of us, how do we help marketers, business owners, and webmasters have confidence in their data? Analytics is all about clarity. It should help you see actionable statistics clearly and quickly. However, when you have a website structure with multiple domains and subdomains - which is often the case - sometimes things can get jumbled....

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Google AdWords API Tutorial


What is the Google AdWords API?
The Google AdWords API lets developers build applications that interact directly with the AdWords platform. With these applications, advertisers and third parties can more efficiently and creatively manage their large or complex AdWords accounts and campaigns. Official AdWords API page.

60 Professional Blogger Templates


Here is a list of modern, professional looking Blogger templates, which I collected some time ago.
All of these are free to use, so you don't have to spend any money to make your Blogger blog look professional :)


Iphone Interface

PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser makes developers life esier


Today I'm gonna talk about PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser, wich is big time saver for me.

A simple PHP HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+, supports invalid HTML, and provides a very easy way to handle HTML elements.

This is a library written in PHP that gives you dictator like control over HTML. It's the best HTML DOM Parser class on PHP I've ever used.

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